Art Basel 2024

Messe Basel, Messeplatz 10, 4058, Basel, Switzerland, 11 - 16 June 2024 

Annely Juda Fine Art is delighted to unveil a curated selection of works that embody the core values of the gallery. At Art Basel 2024, we will present artists who were championed by Annely in the early years of her pioneering work, through post-war creatives whose estates we represent, and on to contemporary visionaries whom we have ardently supported in recent years. Our stand will testify to the gallery’s enduring commitment to art that pushes the boundaries of visual expression.


The origins of Annely Juda Fine Art are defined by a trailblazing commitment to the rigours of abstraction and non-objective art, having promoted Russian Modernism, Bauhaus and De Stijl. As such, at Art Basel 2024 we will present exemplary works from our historic programme, by artists such as Kasimir Malevich, Naum Gabo, Alexander Rodchenko and Laszlo Moholy- Nagy. In response to the overwhelming enthusiasm for our 2022 exhibition of white-rock tea bowls by Raku Kichizaemon XV Jikinyū alongside Suprematist drawings by Malevich, we plan to present these two artists together again. This will coincide with a second show of Raku Kichizaemon XV Jikinyū black-rock and white-rock ceramics which is being staged in London concurrently with Art Basel 2024.


In contrast to our historic offering, we will showcase modern works from the important estates that we represent, including Leon Kossoff and Anthony Caro. Alongside these, will be works from further longstanding gallery artists including the late François Morellet and Katsura Funakoshi. Bringing our showcase up to the present day will be works from contemporary artists Tadashi Kawamata, Philipp Goldbach and Suzanne Treister. Counting among these works, will be a newly-available 2023 oil by Treister, recently returned from museum exhibition in Denmark. Further distinctive British voices will feature with works by David Nash, Elizabeth Magill and David Hockney. The latter’s Water Lilies in the Pond with Pots of Flowers 2021 leads an offering of works executed in various media, testifying to Hockney’s celebrated creative versatility.


Annely Juda Fine Art is also pleased to be participating in the Kabinett sector of Art Basel 2024, where we will present drawings by Leon Kossoff. Ranging from the mid- 1950s up to his final drawings in 2015, these works will showcase his most celebrated subjects: portraits of his family and friends; urban scenes of post-war London; and sketches after the antique, paying homage to the European predecessors whom he so greatly admired.

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