Art Basel Hong Kong

26 - 30 March 2025 

At Art Basel Hong Kong 2025 Annely Juda Fine Art presents a three-part booth of works by László Moholy-Nagy, Suzanne Treister, as well as a Kabinett section of the Japanese collective  “Experimental Workshop”. 


László Moholy-Nagy

This significant showcase dedicated to the life and work of Hungarian artist László Moholy-Nagy, presented in collaboration with the Moholy-Nagy Estate,  highlights the extraordinary breadth of the artist’s career, marked by his constant experimentation and innovative use of materials and techniques. Moholy-Nagy’s work is a testament to his vision as a pioneer of modern art and this presentation offers a profound insight into his creative curiosity and discipline, tracing his evolution from early figurative oil landscapes in 1917 to the non-objective masterpieces of his later years.


Suzanne Treister

Initially recognized as a painter in the 1980s, Suzanne Treister became a pioneer in the digital and new media art landscape. Utilising various media, Treister has evolved a large body of work which engages with eccentric narratives and unconventional bodies of research to reveal structures that bind power, identity and knowledge.  This presentation brings together works from the early 1990s: Treister's videogame paintings and software boxes along with Fictional Videogame Stills.  Works from this time make reference to the emerging forms of electronic gaming and the paintings seem to offer the possibility that the viewer (who in this context becomes elided with the figure of the player) might be able to decode these events and so move onto another level; although of course the unmoving surface of oil paint physically denied this potential. In 1991 Treister made a groundbreaking series of works with an early Amiga computer. Using this cutting-edge technology, she designed a series of fictional games and photgraphed the results, some of which are also currently on view as part of 'Electic Dreams' at Tate Modern, London.

Treister's London exhibition runs concurrently and is a precursor to a major retrospective exhibition of the artitst's work which will be held at Modern Art Oxford in Autumn 2025.


Experimental Workshop

For the Kabinett sector of Art Basel Hong Kong 2025, Annely Juda Fine Art is pleased to present important works from the mid-C20th Japanese collective, ‘Experimental Workshop’, featuring works by Katsuhiro Yamaguchi, Shozo Kitadai and Yoshishige Saito. Comprising fourteen members in total, and enduring at its height for just six years (1951-1957), the Experimental Workshop broke down divisions between the visual arts and other fields of creative endeavour, fusing fine art with music and consolidating all manner of styles and mediums. Alongside Black Mountain College in North Carolina and the Independent Group in London, the Experimental Workshop in Tokyo set in motion major changes of attitude whose influence still reverberates today.


While visually completely different from each other, these artists and groups were pioneers in their field, engaging with the new forms of media and technology at the time of their work. 

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