Katsura FunakoshiThe Distance from here, 1991painted camphor wood and marble82 x 57 x 23 cm
32.3 x 22.4 x 9.1 inView more details -
Katsura FunakoshiThe Pendulum above the Water, 1991painted camphor wood and marble84 x 48 x 48 cmView more details
Katsura FunakoshiSound of Lunar Eclipse, 2004painted camphor wood and marble89.5 x 62 x 46 cmView more details
Katsura FunakoshiDrawing No.1403, 2014pencil on paper106.4 x 82.7 cmView more details
Katsura FunakoshiDrawing No.1410, 2014pencil on paper100.8 x 90 cmView more details