Sigrid HolmwoodSherbert Swoon (Svenimento effervescente), 2004oil and acrylic on canvas180 x 262 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodGirl with a Distaff (Betrothal), 2007fluorescent brick red egg tempera; red lead, lead white, Spanish glazing ochre, French ultramarine, Cobalt turquoise, lead antimonate in oils; fluorescent brick red in soured milk on board75 x 61 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodMidsummer Pole, 2007cadmium lemon yellow, fluorescent lemon yellow, fluorescent yellow orange, fluorescent red in egg tempera; Chrome yellow, Viridian, red lead, lead white, Prussian blue, iron oxide in oils; birch leaf lake in pine resin on board107 x 122 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodHurdle-making, Shapton, 2008fluorescent golden yellow, fluorescent lemon yellow, Ploss blue, verdigris, raw umber greenish, raw sienna, lead antimonate, English red, vermillion in free-range egg tempera on board122 x 137 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodIn the Community Garden, 2008Fluorescent flame red, fluorescent yellow, lead-antimonate yellow, titanium white, viridian and green earth in egg tempera on panel122 x 153 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodImprovised bedroom, 2009fluorescent orange egg/oil emulsion; burnt sienna, lead antimonate, lead white, indigo, verdigris, shiet gel on canvas73 x 92 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodToasting Dog, 2009fluorescent orange and white egg-oil tempera; spanish glazing ochre, lead white, indigo, raw umber, lead antimonate, cochineal and madder in oils on canvas95.5 x 115 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodUnder the tree, 2009fluorescent yellow egg/oil emulsion; raw sienna, lead antimonate, shiet gel, indigo, cochineal, smalt, lead white in oils on canvas131 x 162 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodUntitled, 2013oil on board30 x 30 x 5 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodOff to work we go, 2016ink and gesso, on calico mordant printed and dyed with cochineal, madder, dyer’s broom, and buckthorn berries, on board110.5 x 178 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodPeasants practising fighting with scythes, 2017Mayan blue made from woad, weld, ink and gesso on calico mordant-printed with madder and cochineal, on board110 x 230 cmView more details
Sigrid HolmwoodPeasants practising fighting with sickles, 2017madder, cochineal, ink and gesso on calico mordant-printed with logwood and dyer’s broom, on board110 x 240 cmView more details