David Hockney, Sully Bonnelly, 2019
David Hockney, Benedikt Taschen, Jr., 2 Jan 2020
David Hockney, Jonathan Wilkinson, 2018
David Hockney, Lisa Knight, 4 Sept 2019
Sigrid HolmwoodFlax Kiln (Linbastu), 2013plant pigment made from birch leaves, chalk, chrome yellow, indigo, zinc white and red lead bound in egg on hand woven linen92 x 122 cm
Sigrid HolmwoodHurdle-making, Shapton, 2008fluorescent golden yellow, fluorescent lemon yellow, Ploss blue, verdigris, raw umber greenish, raw sienna, lead antimonate, English red, vermillion in free-range egg tempera on board122 x 137 cm
Sigrid HolmwoodPeasants practising fighting with sickles, 2017madder, cochineal, ink and gesso on calico mordant-printed with logwood and dyer’s broom, on board110 x 240 cm
Sigrid HolmwoodPath from St George’s Hill, 2009fluorescent orange yellow egg/oil emulsion; burnt sienna, lead antimonate, verdigris, smalt lead white, shiet gel in oils on canvas73 x 92 cm
David Nash, Diamond Cut Egg , 2020
David NashThreshold, 2014pastel on paper153 x 112 cm Framed: 165 x 117 cm
David NashTwo Caves, 2020charred Oak forms on charred Tulip shelf55 x 70 x 27 cm
David NashStepman, 2020bronze205 x 160 x 65 cmedition of 1/5
David NashBlack Frame, 2015Redwood, charred69 x 74 x 31 cm
Hockney, Holmwood and Nash: Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures
Past exhibition