Leon Kossoff, Christ Church, Spitalfields, Early Summer, 1992
Leon KossoffRed Brick School Building, Winter, 1982oil on board122 x 152 cm
Leon KossoffKing's Cross, March Afternoon, 1998oil on board147.5 x 198 cm
Leon Kossoff, Outside Kilburn Underground Station, November, 1984
Leon Kossoff, Self-portrait, 1980
Leon KossoffNude from the Back, 1999oil on board63.5 x 39.5 cm
Leon KossoffArnolds Circus, 2013oil on board107 x 87 cm
Leon Kossoff, Demolition of YMCA Building No.2, Spring, 1971
Leon KossoffSeated Woman, 1957oil on board155 x 93 cm
Leon KossoffFather Asleep in Armchair, 1978oil on board153.5 x 100 cm
Leon KossoffChildren's Swimming Pool, Autumn, 1972oil on canvas183 x 214 cm
Leon KossoffCherry Tree in Spring, 2015oil on board142 x 122 cm