László Moholy Nagy
A Life in Motion: Paintings, Sculpture, Drawings and Photography 18 Oct - 18 Dec 2004 László Moholy-Nagy (b. Hungary 1895 - d. Chicago 1946) was one of the most versatile artists of the twentieth century: a pioneer in painting, sculpture, photography and photograms as well as film making and design. He was also an ardent educator and arguably the most active and influential member of... Read more -
Stefan Gec
The Elephant’s Foot 18 Oct - 18 Dec 2004 Stefan Gec’s work focuses on technology and the ways that machines like submarines, satellites and space stations may reveal and illuminate the social political and cultural contexts that brought them into being. Central to both projects is a work called the “The elephant’s foot”, an abstract form that has been... Read more -
Graham Williams
Recent Sculpture 10 Sep - 13 Oct 2004 Graham Williams’ sculptures are concerned with light, space and material form. He exploits the qualities of his medium – most commonly stainless steel and bronze – to enhance reflection and the play of light on different surfaces. In some of these recent sculptures he has also introduced a vivid use... Read more -
John Lessore
Studies for the painting ‘Six British Paralympic Athletes’ commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery, London 10 Jun - 17 Jul 2004 On Tuesday 15 June 2004, the National Portrait Gallery unveiled to the public a spectacular portrait commission by John Lessore ‘Six British Paralympic Athletes’. Annely Juda Fine Art exhibited 24 studies for the painting. These intimate works, each a small-scale finished oil painting in its own right, depict group compositions... Read more -
Suzanne Treister
Operation Swanlake 19 May - 17 Jul 2004 In 1995 Suzanne Treister started work on Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky. This vast work uses web sites, interactive CD-ROMs, photography, video, drawings, paintings and constructions, to chart the life and adventures of the eponymous heroine as she travels through time and history, through fact and delusion: trying to rescue... Read more -
Lesley Foxcroft
Combination 2 Apr - 15 May 2004 Lesley Foxcroft’s work uses simple, everyday materials such as card, packaging and MDF. By methods of folding, cutting, pressing and stacking, Foxcroft arranges the material on the floor and up walls to create a dialogue between the two. These installations thereby make the commonplace aesthetic and the two-dimensional architectural. In... Read more -
Naum Gabo
Gabo and Colour 15 Jan - 27 Mar 2004 Gabo was born in Russia in 1890 and became a pioneer of the Constructivist movement and one of the most important and influential sculptors of the twentieth century. Best known for his colourless Perspex and nylon sculptures Gabo’s constructions manifest his interest in engineering, constructive abstraction, and natural forms. Gabo... Read more