Sarah Oppenheimer - N-03X67

EPFL Pavilion, Lausanne

Sarah Oppenheimer's new work, N-03X67 will open on the 18th January as the inaugural work of the second edition of the EPFL- CDH Artist in Residency Program, Enter the Hyper-Scientific.


Sarah Oppenheimer



EPFL Pavilions – Pavilion A

Place Cosandey, 1015 Lausanne


Buildings are intelligent systems. As living cells, their boundaries mediate flow. N-03X67 is a kinetic network intertwined within this existing metabolic relay. Sited along EPFL Pavilions’ glass façade, seven elongated pneumatic instruments subdivide the glass wall. Interwoven within and between existing façade mullions, pathways are set in motion by human touch. An architectural array tips and turns in response to human action: sliding a horizontal bar tilts its vertical counterpart. Operating at atmospheric pressure and activated by touch, human energy extends across architectural surface.


Linked by air, N-03X67 is a pneumatic network composed of actuators, cylinder, valves and dampers. Sliding an instrument directs airflow along a set of circulatory pathways, creating loops of cause and effect. Air is routed and re-routed. Code to determine routing between actuators has evolved in collaboration with the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems. Informed by their research into neural networks and learning algorithms, N-03X67 is a material manifestation of an energetic circuit. 


An intimate, tactile energy radiates across the museum’s boundary, re-shaping the contours of a public sphere. Sensory encounters blur the boundaries between public and private, interior and exterior, exhibition space and landscape.          




Sarah OppenheimerN-03X67, 2024

Commissioned and produced in the framework of EPFL - CDH Artist in Residency Program 2023, Enter the Hyper-Scientific.

Partners: EPFL Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS), EPFL Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID). 

With the kind support of sedak GmbH & Co. KG.

January 8, 2024
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