Suzanne Treister celebrates CERN's 70th anniversary

Unveiling the Universe: Art and Science Summit

As part of the celebrations for CERN'S 70th anniversary, Annely Juda Fine Art artist Suzanne Treister joined the panel for the Unveiling the Universe: Art and Science Summit.  


Unveiling the Universe was a unique meeting point of art and science, looking at how we have built and will continue to build knowledge and understanding of the big questions about the Universe –  from the first billionth of a second after the Big Bang to the invisible, “dark” Universe –  driven by human curiosity and imagination. Treister discussed the three projects made during her 2018 residency at CERN and her wider practice.


To read more about the program for this event please click here


The panel was recorded and can be watched here: 


February 3, 2024
of 69