Sarah Oppenheimer

in MoMA R&D Salon 49

Sarah Oppenheimer is taking part in MoMA R&D Salon 49 on the theme of ‘Lightness’.

MoMA Research & Development provides information and critical tools to identify and explore new directions and opportunities for The Museum of Modern Art and—leading by example—the broader museum field. It is both crucible and catalyst for new ways of thinking and doing in museums.

Alongside Oppenheimer, Salon 49 will include presentations by Ariel Ekblaw, Sonam Kachru, Shannon Mattern, Glaucio Paulino, and Insoo Suh. 

‘Lightness is beautiful. It is the image of grace, agility, luminosity, the essence of buoyant clouds and billowing silks. It is good for the spirit and good for the environment. In theory, the lighter an object is, the less energy it consumes during its existence and the lighter its impact is. Nonetheless, even apparently immaterial things carry a burden, at times a heavy one. The Internet’s illusion of weightlessness—human activities, objects, and interactions dissolving into bits and traveling through the air—crashes when confronted by the heavy ecological footprint necessary to sustain its infrastructure.’ – MoMA R&D

MoMA R&D Salon 49: Lightness
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT
MoMA Bartos Theater, 4 West 54 Street
Livestream link:


To read more about MoMA R&D Salon talks please click here.

June 17, 2024
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