Sheila Girling

at Bowhouse Fife

The centenary celebrations for Sheila Girling continue as The Life and Art of Sheila Girling is now open, organised by Space to Breathe at Bowhouse in Fife. The show continues till 3 November 2024.

This retrospective features over 90 large scale paintings and collages from the 1970s to the 2010s and showcases Girling’s enormous talent as a painter who simultaneously embraced the freedom of American abstraction whilst remaining rooted in a distinctive British sensibility. Evident in all Girling’s work is her understanding of the power to express emotion and form through the fortuitous juxtaposition of colour, combined with her unique exploration of the materiality of paint itself.

The exhibition also includes a selection of sculptures by Girling’s husband and lifelong artistic collaborator, Sir Anthony Caro. Girling described their marriage as “a 64 year conversation about art” and they both freely admitted her influence on his work, in particular the decision to use paint and colour as an integral part of his sculptural work. While showcasing the dialogue between these two individual artists, this exhibition focusses attention on the Girling and her influence in this creative partnership.


The Life and Art of Sheila Girling

St Monans, Fife, KY10 2DB
Open Tuesday - Sunday 10:00am - 5:00pm
20 July - 5 August & 17 August - 1 September
(Closed 6 August - 16 August)


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July 30, 2024
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