Sigrid Holmwood

in Borderland at Ystads Konstmuseum

Sigrid Holmwood is currently showing in Borderland at Ystads Konstmuseum.

Sigrid Holmwood explores the Western painting tradition by tracing the material history of the painting. Where did the pigments of color come from? From which commodities have they been extracted throughout history? And by whom have they been recycled? In the answers to these questions, Holmwood finds a connection between European art history and colonial trade routes.

In the exhibition Borderland  Holmwood is showing work which traces the imports of textile printing techniques, colour pigments and patterns from Central and South America, and India, to Swedish folk costumes. In her own interpretations, she refers to the witch and the cannibal, to the witch and cannibal, two categories of "peasants" that have historically been demonized and suppressed. In Holmwood's fantasy, they unite in a common struggle for freedom.

Sigrid Holmwood is one of the artists in the exhibition Borderland  which is currently shown at Malmö Art Museum and Ystad Art Museum. Her work is shown in the Ystad Art Museum's part of the exhibition. 

Borderland  (Gränstrakt)
18th of May—3rd of November
Malmö Konstmuseum and Ystads Konstmuseum


photography by Helene Toresdotter


For more information please click here

August 27, 2024
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