Philipp Goldbach and Stephen Reusse in 'Mind and Memory'

at Forum für Fotografie, Cologne

‘Mind and Memory’ at the Forum  für Fotografie in Cologne presents the works of Philipp Goldbach and Stephan Reusse in a two-person exhibition. Both artists share a photographic approach that addresses fundamental questions about the medium - the methods of image generation, the time and spatial dimension of photography, its reproduction and authorship - while expanding classic camera shooting with alternative means.

Goldbach and Reusse have been personal friends since their time together at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne where Stephan Reusse taught photography from 2000 to 2006 as an artistic and scientific associate, while Philipp Goldbach studied there from 2001-2005 and later in 2009 took the position of artistic and scientific associate in the field of photography. The exhibition documents a dialogue between these artists from different generations, which, despite their different approaches and attitudes, shares a spiritual kinship. As a collective effort, a double portrait was created to give the title to the exhibition.

Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory) are the names of Odin's companions, two ravens who fly out to bring customer to the one-eyed God.

Philipp Goldbach & Stephan Reusse 
Mind and Memory 
2 November – 21 December 2024 
Forum für Fotografie, Cologne

For more information click here

November 16, 2024
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